All posts by Simon Perry

David Livingstone on the History And Development Of Drugs

After a working lifetime in the commercial field of drug development, David Livingstone left the world of large chemical companies to setup his own consultancy, ChemQuest, while exploring the academic world at the Centre for Molecular Design at University of Portsmouth.

The talk he gave to the Isle of Wight branch of Cafe Scientifique covered the history and development of drugs.

Listen to his presentation and look at his slides is below …

Continue reading David Livingstone on the History And Development Of Drugs

Dr. Alan Chambers: Material engineering in Medicine, Art, Fashion & Sport

Dr. Alan ChambersDr. Alan Chambers, a senior lecturer in the department of Materials Engineering at Southampton University, spoke about “Engineering in Medicine, Art, Fashion & Sport”.

It included such subjects as stress testing historical tapestries and why our first fleet of commercial jet aircraft, the Comets, had several tragic crashes.

Listen to his presentation …

Continue reading Dr. Alan Chambers: Material engineering in Medicine, Art, Fashion & Sport

Jolyon Chesworth’s Marine Conservation Presentation

The March Cafe Scientifique meeting saw Jolyon Chesworth, the Manager of the South East Marine Conservation Project at the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust speak about Marine Conservation.

He spoke about about the scientific data that led to the establishment of the project and the proposed conservation zones to protect marine biodiversity and how they will be monitored.

His presentation is below …
Continue reading Jolyon Chesworth’s Marine Conservation Presentation

Garry Momber’s Presentation and Q&A on ‘The Unique Stratified Mesolithic site at Bouldnor Cliff’

A strong turnout of again of around 80 people for Garry Momber’s talk at the new venue, The Regency Suite in Shanklin.

Garry is the Director of The Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology and spoke on “The Unique Stratified Mesolithic site at Bouldnor Cliff.”

Here’s the audio of Garry’s presentation …

Continue reading Garry Momber’s Presentation and Q&A on ‘The Unique Stratified Mesolithic site at Bouldnor Cliff’

Tonight: Garry Momber: The Unique Stratified Mesolithic site at Bouldnor Cliff

The fifth meeting will be on Monday 13th February at 7pm at The Regency Suite above the Shanklin Conservative Club (**Please note venue change**).

The speaker will be Garry Momber who is Director of The Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology. Garry will be talking about “The Unique Stratified Mesolithic site at Bouldnor Cliff”

This excavation has demonstrated the huge potential to add to our knowledge of early humans and the environment in which they were living and to investigate climatic and sea level changes in the past.

More details on Events On The Wight